1.1 Form of submission
All articles are accepted online on the website of the journal “Economics: Strategy and Practice” http://jesp.ieconom.kz via the author’s personal account or by e-mail zhurnalesip@gmail.com
The author should prepare two files: a) the title of the article with personal data, b) the main text of the article.
TITLE. The title of the article contains the title of the article information about the authors in three languages (Kazakh, Russian, English). It is mandatory to specify the corresponding author (the author who submits the article to the editorial office). The corresponding author is responsible for communication of the editorial office with the author’s team.
The name of the file should include the following information – the date of submission (year_month_day), the abbreviation of the journal name (JESP), and the short title of the article.
Sample: 2020_11_30_JESP_Title of the article_Title
THE MAIN TEXT OF THE ARTICLE. All information about the authors should be removed from the file properties. The name of the file should include the following information – the date of submission (year_month_day), the abbreviation of the journal name (JESP), and the short title of the article.
Sample: 2020_11_30_JESP_Title of the article
In one issue of the journal, the author can publish no more than one article, including co-authorship.The author is notified of the results of the review of the article by e-mail, as well as in the author’s personal account.
1.2 Recommendations for submitting a manuscript:
It is necessary that the author’s surname and name in English correspond to the wording in articles previously published in journals indexed in Scopus and Web of Science, in Russian – in journals indexed in RSCI (Russian Science Citation Index). To account for publications in foreign databases, authors are encouraged to obtain unique identification numbers (ORCID and ResearcherID) by registering on the websites http://orcid.org/ and http://www.researcherid.com.
The journal is guided by the principles and rules of the Committee on the Ethics of Publication (COPE) and takes all possible measures against any abuse.
When submitting an article to the journal, the authors indicate that:
– the works are independent contribution of the authors and do not represent plagiarism of other works;
– the submitted work has not been published previously;
– the article is not considered for publication in another edition;
– the article will not be published anywhere, including in electronic form in the same form, in any other language without the written consent of the publishing house of the journal Economics: Strategy and Practice.
– the publication is approved by all authors and organizations in which this work was performed;
– the authors do not have potential conflicts of interest with organizations in which the work was performed.
Any violations of the above rules should be reported directly to the chief editor.
In order to comply with the ethics of publications, the editors reserve the right to check the work for uniqueness and the absence of plagiarism.
The author reserves the right to use the article after publication, including:
– publication of the final version of the manuscript on the personal web pages of the author or in institutional repositories;
– use of the article in scientific and teaching activities, provided that the journal is recognized as the source of publication.
The magazine interacts with the authors under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) license.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
In accordance with this license, the authors transfer the exclusive copyright to the journal’s publisher at no cost for any non-commercial purposes. Articles can be copied, distributed and reused, if the user provides a link to the author and his work. The transfer of exclusive copyright implies the transfer of the right to reproduce, publish, distribute and archive the article and its materials in any form, including reprint, translation, photocopying, electronic form (online and offline) or any other form and begins when the article is accepted for publication.
4. PREPARING manuscript
4.1 Manuscript Size
The volume of articles – 5000 – 7000 words, including the content of figures and tables.
The text of the article should be typed in MS Word text editor (not older than version 2003, with the extension doc or docx) using Times New Roman font, 12 sizes in one space. The indention is 1 cm. The margin of the document is 20 mm.
4.2 Title Page
The article heading in three languages. The heading should be concise and informative. Avoid abbreviations.
Information about the authors: surname, name, patronymic (in Kazakh, Russian, English), academic degree and title, full name and address of the organization – place of work (including index), position, contact phone, email address, ORCID and ResearcherID
Source of research funding. Point out the sources of funding for the study on the basis of which this article was prepared: “This study was supported … (for example, by the Foundation of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, grant (grant number) of the MES of the Republic of Kazakhstan).
Thanks. List those who provided assistance during the study (for example, in data processing, translation, editing, improving the presentation, etc.).
4.3 Main text of the article
The main text of the article is drawn up according to the following structure: “Abstract”, “Keywords”, “Classification Codes”, “Introduction”, “Literary Review”, “Methodology”, “Results and Discussion”, “Conclusions”. If necessary, additional special names of sections are allowed, as well as subsections (with continuous numbering).
4.3.1 The heading of the article in three languages. The heading should be concise and informative. Names are used in information retrieval systems. Avoid abbreviations.
4.3.2 Abstract of the article in three languages (in Kazakh – Түйін, Russian – Аннотация, English – Abstract), containing information about the purpose, methods, results and conclusions of the study. Volume 190 – 200 words.
4.3.3 Keywords in three languages - minimum 5 and maximum 10 keywords. Keywords should be as specific as possible and reflect the specificity of the article. Only abbreviations common in the industry are allowed. Non-standard abbreviations indicate in a footnote on the first page of the article. Avoid multiple terms (for example, with unions), abbreviations. When forming keywords, you should avoid words with an abstract meaning, or terms that can be used in other scientific disciplines.
4.4.4 List of headings
Specify list of headings.
– MRNTI code – http://grnti.ru
– JEL Classification Code – https://www.aeaweb.org/jel/guide/jel.php
4.4.5 Introduction. Indicate the purpose of the work, its relevance based on previous scientific research, but avoiding a detailed review of the literature.
4.4.6 Literary review. Describe the theoretical basis and provide a detailed literary review of previous studies or a summary of them.
4.4.7 Methodology. Describe the data sources and research methodology to enable reproduction by other researchers.
4.4.8 Results and discussion. The results should be clear and concise. Provide sufficient detail to show the significance of the results. When discussing the results, rely on comparison with other scientific studies (their results, methodologies, limitations and advantages).
4.4.9. Conclusion According to the results of the previous sections, it is necessary to make a conclusion, reflect the main conclusions, the scope and scope of application of the results (implications) and limitations (limitations) of the study.
4.4.10 List of sources
IMPORTANT: The list of references is a tool for promotion in international scientific citation databases and an indicator of the author’s scientific outlook. The number of foreign sources in the list of references indicates awareness of the achievements of science, as well as ownership of the topic. It is recommended to use sources published within the last 3-5 years.
Self-citation of the author is allowed no more than 30% of the sources in the list of references. Each source should be referenced in the text of the article – in square brackets.
Conference reports can be included in the list of references only if they are available and found by search engines on the internet – the url and date of access are specified;
* normative and legislative acts (resolutions, laws, instructions, etc.);
* dictionaries, encyclopedias, other reference books;
* reports, reports, notes, reports, protocols.
For all such sources, page-by-page footnotes are made in the text of the article.
5.1 Figures, graphs, charts
Schemes, graphs, diagrams, figures should be made in black and white format using:
– Means of text editor MS Word;
– MS Excel application tools;
– vector graphics programs (Adobe Illustrator, CorelDraw) (not a bitmap image).
Figures should be submitted in a format that can be edited.
The font size of the pictures is at least 10. All graphic materials in the text are referred to – (Figure 1).
Graphic material is found after its first mention in the text.
Under the picture there is a “Note” indicating the data sources and other necessary information or explanations.
The name of the picture is placed after the Notes, centered. The point after the name of the picture is not put. Used through numbering of figures in the text of the article.
Example: Figure 1 – Picture title
5.2 Tables
Tables are created using the tools in the “Table” menu of MS Word. The table does not allow the use of font sizes less than 10. All tables in the text should contain references – (Table 1). Numbering tables pass-through.
The name of the table is left-alignment without paragraph indent.
Under each table, a note is necessarily placed with reference to data sources.
Sample: Table 1 – Table Name
5.3 Formulas
Formulas are typed in MachType or using Microsoft Equation and must be performed in the same style throughout the article. The text should contain references to formulas – (1). Formulas should be numbered right.
Sample: (x + a) ^ n = ∑_ (k = 0) ^ n▒ ▒ (n¦k) x ^ ka ^ (n-k)〗 (1)
Minimize the use of texts, but explain all the symbols and abbreviations used.
5.4 The list of sources used is made in two languages;
All sources of the list of references are issued in accordance with GOST R 7.0.5-2008.
If the source is published in Kazakh/Russian, then it is issued in the original language first, and the Latin version is given in transliteration. Example:
– in the original:
Ormanova G. K., Mashanova S. A., D. S. Salimbayeva of Modern Zamani budget sasatani indikatorlar // Transit economy. – 2016. – №2 (38). – Pp. 77-84.
– transliterated (via https://translit.net):
Kurmanova G. K., Mashanova S. A., Salimbaeva Sh. D. (2016) Kazirgi zamangy bjudzhet sajasatynyn indikatorlary / / Tranzitnaja ‘ ekonomika. – 2016. – №2 (38). – pp. 77-84.
1. Mono publication with two authors
Альжанова Ф.Г., Днишев Ф.М. Креативная экономика: синергия культуры, бизнеса и технологий (мировая практика и Казахстан). – Вена, Австрия: Ассоциация перспективных исследований и высшего образования «Восток-Запад», 2015. – 276 с.
Mono publication with more than three authors
Стратегии внутрирегионального экономического взаимодействия стран Центральной Азии в условиях глобальных вызовов / К.А. Туркеева, Г.А. Бодаубаева, Н.У. Багаева и др. – Вена, Австрия: Ассоциация перспективных исследований и высшего образования «Восток-Запад», 2015. – 216 с.
Краткий экономический словарь / А. Н. Азрилиян и др. 2-е изд., перераб. и доп. – М.: Ин-т новой экономики, 2002. – 1087 с.
3. Article in the collection
Кошанов А.К. Вехи развития науки в Институте экономики и ряд задач на новом этапе // Материалы международной научно-практической конференции, посвященной 65-летию Института экономики КН МОН РК (10 ноября 2017 г.). – Алматы: Институт экономики КН МОН РК, 2018. – 524 с. – С. 31-38
4. Article in the journal
Бримбетова Н.Ж. Региональная политика нового качества и факторы локализации наукоемких производств // Экономика: стратегия и практика. – 2018. – №3(47). – С. 77-87
5 Features of compiling links to electronic resources
Links to Internet sites, Internet sources (does not apply to author’s articles, monographs, etc., posted on the Internet), regulatory documents (laws, decrees, acts, etc.), statistical compilations, newspaper publications are located in the text footnotes and in the list of sources are not listed. For all Internet sources, including footnotes, you must specify the date of treatment. For electronic sources that have doi (digital object identifier), it is necessary to bring it at the end of the bibliographic record.
Егоров О.И. В Казахстане будет производиться дизтопливо нового класса – К4 и К5 // Курсив 2018 [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://kursiv.kz/sites/default/files/fresp516247018.pdf (дата обращения: 18.02.2018).
Manuscripts that do not meet the specified requirements are not reviewed by the editors and are not returned. If the article is rejected, the editors reserve the right not to lead a discussion on the reasons for rejection.
Accepted for review articles are “double-blind” review, scientific and literary editing.
After reviewing, the article is sent to the author for revision and coordination.
The finalized manuscript must be submitted to the editor within 1 month.
The final version of the article is endorsed by the author through a personal account with notification to the email address.
The publishing house reserves the right to determine the queue for publication of the manuscript in case of a positive conclusion.
At the discretion of the editorial board, Russian-language articles can be published in English, about which the authors receive timely notification, and then send articles professionally translated into English.
The journal “Economics: Strategy and Practice” is an open access journal. However, the publication process involves costs, including the costs of reviewing manuscripts, editing, publishing, archiving, and providing a single copy to the author if necessary. To cover these costs, the journal charges a publication fee. The publication fee can be paid by both the research funding organization and the author. The cost of publication is 20 000 tenge for the publication of one manuscript and a free copy of the author. The fee is charged when the article is accepted for publication. the corresponding author is responsible for making the payment before publication.
7.1 Bank transfer
Details of payment:
Bank reference
Institute of Economics under the Science Committee of Ministry of Education and Science RK Kazakhstan, Almaty, 050010, 29 Kurmangazy street
BIN 990340001449
IIC: KZ696010131000009277
BIC: HSBKKZKX, Beneficiary code 16, payment purpose code 861, JSC Halyk Bank
7.2 Payment cards: Visa, MasterCard
7.3 Online-payment – http://jesp.ieconom.kz/kak-oplatit-statju