Financial condition and management of financial stability of the airline

Galia.N. Jaxybekova, D.E. Aubakirova


Purpose – the aim of the study is to substantiate and evaluate a three-dimensional indicator of financial stability, to develop recommendations for effective growth in market value and to strengthen financial stability. The article is devoted to the economic substantiation of the category “financial stability”, the analysis of the financial condition and the study of methods for assessing the financial stability of an airline. The financial stability of an enterprise is a key basis for its stable financial condition and strategic development. Methodology – the research methodology is financial analysis, economic and statistical methods, models and types of financial stability, methods of analysis and synthesis, comparison. The originality / value of the work consists in clarifying the economic content of the category “financial stability”, assessing the financial condition and determining the type and three-dimensional index of financial stability of the company under study. Findings – the results of the study are based on the financial statements of Air Astana, the type of its financial sustainability and the three-dimensional index of the financial sustainability index were determined, recommendations were developed to strengthen financial sustainability, improve competitiveness and business efficiency.

Keywords: financial stability, types and indicators of financial stability, competitiveness, three-dimensional index of financial stability


Г.Н. Джаксыбекова, Д.Е. Аубакирова Финансовое состояние и управление финансовой устойчивостью авиакомпании // Экономика: стратегия и практика. — 2019 — № 4 (14) — С. 67-79.