Statistical analysis of credit activities of banks of the Republic of Kazakhstan based on the use of correlation and regression methods

Aigul А.Nurpeissova, Rakhila U. Rakhmetova


The stable development of the economic sphere in Kazakhstan is more dependent on the state of the financial market, including the development of the domestic credit market. A well-developed credit market serves as the basis for production growth, increases the volume of trade, is a mechanism for implementing various strategic programs for innovative and technological modernization of industrial enterprises. In this work, a correlation analysis of factors affecting the profitability indicators of the banking structures of the Republic of Kazakhstan was carried out, which made it possible to attempt to build a multiple regression model to predict some parameters of the credit market in Kazakhstan for 2019-2023: the volume of consumer loans of banks, the number of loans to small businesses, indicators of deposits in banks, profitability of the country’s banking sector. The use of correlation and regression research methods regarding some parameters of the further development of the credit market of the Republic of Kazakhstan made it possible to build forecast values for the further development of the credit market as the financial basis for the progressive development of the national economy.

Key words: credit, deposit, trend line, forecast, profit, correlation analysis, regression analysis, t-statistics, Fisher index


А.А. Нурпеисова, Р.У. Рахметова Корреляция-регрессия әдістерін қолдану негізінде Қазақстан Республикасы банктерінің несиелік қызметін статистикалық талдау // Экономика: стратегия және практика. — 2019 — № 4 (14) — б. 23-41.