Assessment of the level of ICT development in the regions of Kazakhstan in the transition to Industry 4.0.

Anel A.Kireyeva, Marat T.Urdabayev, Dinara D. Yermekbayeva


The current stage of scientific and technological development is characterized by intensive rates and general intellectualization of various spheres of society’s life. Accelerated research and development based on advanced technologies, access to international markets and increased global integration in the scientific and technological sphere have already become a strategic model of innovative growth for the leading and developed countries of the world. Therefore, an important task for Kazakhstan is the transition to a new technological order 4.0, which is characterized by the use of fundamentally new and advanced technologies, the transition to the production of innovative and high-tech products, progressive organizational and managerial decisions in various fields of activity (production, science and society). In this regard, there is an urgent need to analyze the level of development of ICT processes in Kazakhstan, identify priorities and mechanisms for innovative growth in order to reduce digital inequality and establish communication with the population in the country’s regions. In this scientific study, the authors proposed a methodological approaches (determining the scale and level of ICT development), which performed according to an algorithm consisting of three stages: assessment of the level of Internet use (the share of Internet users); assessment of the level of costs for the production of ICT; assessment of the level of digital literacy of the population (readiness of the population to widespread use of ICTs). Based on the analytical review, it can be seen that most of the regions in Kazakhstan have a high level of.

Keywords: region, innovation, digitalization, digital economy, digital technologies.


Киреева А.А., Урдабаев М.Т., Ермекбаева Д.Д. Оценка уровня развития ИКТ в регионах Казахстана в условиях перехода к Индустрии 4.0 // Экономика: стратегия и практика. — 2020 — № 3 (15) — С. 69-82.