Features of the assessment of the higher education system

Azimkhan A. Satybaldin, K. A.Kirdasinova, D. M.Mukhiyaeva


The effective functioning of the education system, including higher education, is one of the actively discussed topics related to the socio-economic development of the country in the modern world. It is known that the status of a country is determined by the level of realization of its educational potential, the main indicator of which is the rating of a higher educational institution in world rankings. The inclusion of higher education institutions in the world rankings and a strong position equal to or comparable with the world’s leading universities can be seen as a sign of competitiveness of higher education and result of the effectiveness of reforms and the timely introduction of innovations. Universities in the CIS countries have managed to take a worthy place and demonstrate positive dynamics that characterize the effectiveness of educational reforms in these countries. The authors of this article presented the results of the analysis of the dynamics of higher education institutions in the international rankings of higher education in relation to the specifics of the development of higher education.

Key words: education, international rankings, educational management, national university, higher education in post-Soviet space.



Сатыбалдин А.А., Кирдасинова К.А., Мухияева Д.М. Жоғары білім беру жүйесін бағалау ерекшеліктері // Экономика: стратегия және практика. — 2020 — № 4 (15) — б. 11-20.