Zhanar Aubakirova, Zhaksylyk Т.Beisenbayev, Makpal Zh.Zhaparova
This article examines the foreign practice of public-private partnership in the higher education system, describes the importance of endowment funds as a mechanism of financing in higher education. In world practice, endowment funds demonstrate the possibility of a significant reduction in the share of public funding for education, along with an improvement in the quality of services provided. Noted causes the need to develop and implement forms of publicprivate partnership that promote mutually beneficial cooperation between government and business, improving the mechanism public-private partnerships that will ultimately contribute to the successful socio-economic development of the state and business.
Keywords: public-private partnership, higher education system, endowment funds, forms of public-private partnership, business-state-university
Ж.Я. Аубакирова, Ж.Т. Бейсенбаев, М.Ж. Жапарова Эндаумент-фонды как форма реализации государственно-частного партнерства в высшем образовании: зарубежный опыт // Экономика: стратегия и практика. — 2019 — № 4 (14) — С. 81-92.