Formation of strategy of Kazakhstan regions development: planning and analysis



In this article, the author examines the strategy of regional development of the state, which forms the main goals and objectives of such development for a specific time period. On the other hand, each strategy is the basis for the development of balanced among themselves various strategies for the economic development of regions. Under these conditions, the issue of improving the mechanism for forming a regional strategy that takes into accounts the specifics of the region’s development, the influence of the external environment, interregional processes, government policy and the external economic situation, the global macroeconomic factor, etc., becomes increasingly topical.

Keywords: strategy, planning, regional development, economy, potential, infrastructure, socio-economic situation, competition, management, analysis.


Мурзалин М.К. Қазақстан аймақтарын даму стратегиясын қалыптастыру: жоспарлау және талдау // Экономика: стратегия және практика. — 2020 — № 3 (15) — б. 151-156.