Manshuk S.Dosmanbetova, Madina M. Khalitova
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No. 1 2019
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Statistics in the field of creative industries: review of methodological basis
Zhansaya S. Temerbulatova, Aziza S. Zhuparova, Aygerim A. Nussyupayeva
(more…)The financial security management model in second-tier banks
Azhar Z. Nurmagambetova, Sunkar Z.Nurmagambetov, Aziya G.Mukusheva
(more…)Foreign direct investment in the banking sector of Kazakhstan
Nurlan А.Turgenbayev, Aliya K.Kantarbayeva
(more…)Review of Internet platforms for assessing the intellectual potential of the Republic of Kazakh- stan
Kymbаt N. Zhangalieva, Makpal S. Bekturganova, Nazerke A. Abilkaiyr
(more…)Prospects for the application of project management in the public sector of Kazakhstan
Alisher E. Kartov
(more…)Technological potential of Kazakhstan: assessment and development opportunities
Gaukhar Kh.Umarova, Aziza T.Mergenbaeva, Gulzada G.Shinet
(more…)Our respectfull academian, who is celebrating his anniversay
Improving the national qualifications system as a factor in the formation of a new quality of human capital
Azimkhan A. Satybaldin, Ildar N. Dauranov, Zaure K.Chulanova, Nazerke A.Abilkayir
(more…)Methodology for assessing social and economic efficiency of digitalization of health system
Abilda А. Alimbaev, Bagdat S. Bitenova, Tleu I.Yesenbekova